What would you do if Canada cancel the Seal Hunt?

Tell Canada What You'll Do to Save Seals

Yesterday, I heard shocking news: The Canadian government announced that it would allow hunters to kill even more harp seals for their fur than last year -- 388,200. This quota
is all the more outrageous because Canada knows that many baby seals
are likely to perish because of melting ice before the sealers even

You've joined tens of thousands in urging Canada to end the hunt (thank you!). Still, the Canadian government refuses to cancel the hunt.

A responsible government would cancel the 2010 commercial seal slaughter, but at a time when it should be protecting seals, the Canadian government seems determined to wipe
them out. We
have to speak out.
Seriously, Canada? Many of us are already boycotting Canadian seafood to stop the largest slaughter of marine mammals on the planet. And it's working: The fishing industry that is responsible for
the seal hunt has lost revenues since The Humane Society of the United
States started the boycott. But we have to do more, and fast. Let's make sure Canada knows that there are thousands of people around the world who are willing to do whatever it takes to get
them to cancel the hunt. Here's what I'll do:  If Prime Minister Stephen Harper stops the hunt, I%u2019ll personally escort him to the seal nursery, so the seal pups can show their gratitude face to
face. I can guarantee him that it will be a trip he'll never forget.

How about you? What would you be willing to do if Canada cancels the hunt? Maybe you'll buy a lifetime supply of maple syrup. Volunteer at your local
wildlife rescue organization. Take a trip to the seal nursery (you%u2019ll
never see anything more beautiful). Maybe get a tattoo of the Canadian
flag? It can be serious or silly, small or large -- just so long as you let Canada know. Until then, keep boycotting Canadian
seafood, donate when you can, and keep the pressure on. And just imagine
that amazing day when Canada finally ends the seal hunt once and for
all and we can all make good on our promises! Thank you in advance for everything you've done and will do to save seals.

Seriously Canada? seals are dying and you wont cancel the Hunt? If you cancel the hunt,
here's what I will do%u2026
Dear Canada,

We're boycotting your seafood. Inundating your prime
minister with calls and letters. Rallying in cities all over the world.

But Canada, you STILL haven't ceased the senseless slaughter
of hundreds of thousands of seals every year for their fur. What's
worse%u2014so many pups will die because there is virtually no sea
ice in key seal birthing areas. And you won't spare the survivors?

Seriously, Canada?

Enough is enough. I want you to cancel the commercial seal
hunt this year%u2014and forever. I'm serious. To show you how serious, I'm
making you this promise:

If you end the Hunt i will...

Click the Link:  and tell what you would do

Seriously Canada? seals are dying and you wont cancel the Hunt?

Dear Canada,

We're boycotting your seafood. Inundating your prime
minister with calls and letters. Rallying in cities all over the world.

But Canada, you STILL haven't ceased the senseless slaughter
of hundreds of thousands of seals every year for their fur. What's
worse%u2014so many pups will die because there is virtually no sea
ice in key seal birthing areas. And you won't spare the survivors?

Seriously, Canada?

Enough is enough. I want you to cancel the commercial seal
hunt this year%u2014and forever.

we, the undersigned
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