After the russian government announced an end to the hunting of seal pups under a year old (18th March 2009), Canada released, that they will allow for the slaughter of 280,000 (or even more) harp seal pups this year putting further strain on seal populations, what is a grate provocation of all ethical oriented people in the entire world.
Now it is the time to change the values and morals of those who are involved in this bloody business. People around the world understand that their arguments to continue the slaughter are cynical and are beyond any critic.
We, the independent internet community "Savers of Life", are proposing to boycott 2010 Olympic Games, as well as stop the purchase of any exported Canadian products into Europe, and will urge as many of our citizens as possible to stop travelling to Canada until this massacre stops.
Sign the petiotion today with us and tell about this action all your friends!
Dear deputies of the European Parliament,
we, the undersigned, appeal to you with request to report a protest from the European public to the conscience of Canadian and Norwegian governments with respect to proceeding into the 21st century of unpardonably severe and in this case senseless practice of hunting the seals. Because of the protest actions of the independent Internet- association Savers of Life and of other animal rights organizations the hunting the young seals is now forbidden in Russia by law. On March 18th, 2009 the government of the Russian Federation forbade hunting the seals below the age of one year. Putin, the Prime Minister of Russia described hunting the seals as bloody business , which should have been forbidden long ago. Also the President of the Russian Federation Medvedev and the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Trutnev reject the hunting of seals and Trutnev classifies it as bloody. Even in Canada senator Mac Harb insists on its complete liquidation.
"The answer" from Canada - an increase in the quota by the murder from 55.000 - to 338.200 baby seals - is the provocation of all ethical oriented people in the entire world, which fight for the immediate end to this severe slaughter.
Before the vote in May for the proposed ban by the committee of the domestic market on import, export and the transit of the seal products, you will encounter intentions from the Canadian government against this prohibition. The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) insist that the seals must die so that cod populations can increase. The DFO's position is that the harp seal is a major predator of the cod, yet there is little scientific justification for this position. With cod populations at less than 1% of pre-Columbian levels, and with the collapse of the cod industry, the seal has become the scapegoat for the excesses of the Canadian and foreign drag trawler fleets that plundered the Grand Banks for decades and left very little behind.
We request that you would classify the expected new objections (overpopulation of the harp seals, decline in fishing and so on) as a poor excuse to what exactly is going on - massacre. The only reason this barbaric hunt continues is because there is a market for seal products!
The majority of people around the world simply no longer want to see this bloody massacre occur any further and also no longer wants to listen to the excuses of politicians.
This bureaucratic ordered destruction of the seals has no place in the 21st Century.
The independent Internet- association Savers of Life appeared in the collaboration with the people, which take active part in Europe to end the slaughter of seals in the White Sea subsidized by Norway. The first steps of the Russian Federation towards the protection of animals show the spirit of humaneness. By prohibition of trade for the seal products Europe will demonstrate that it can convert this spirit into the action on a larger scale.
We are calling for an end to the harp and hood seal hunt. The overwhelming majority of citizens of the European Union will support it, if you do not subordinate economic policy the European Union to non-European interests in your solution. The new permission of Canadian government to an increase in the quota to slaughter of the seals which is condemned in the entire world provokes the ethical oriented population of Europe. It will examine your solution as the test to the humaneness of the European policy.
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