- al: Dd
- destinatario: http://www.kantei.go.jp/ Japanese Prime minister and his Cabinet, and people who announced the killing on this website: http://ameblo.jp/japandisasteranimals and to the Fukushima Prefecture, our main target : kouho@pref.fukushi
A sad reality: Japanese animal holding centres in and around the disaster areas have announced in this bulletin that all pets who are not claimed within 72 hours will be 'disposed' of (gassed). This is the sad reality in Japan unfortunately and why we are truly racing against the clock now.

about the notice issued by the Japanese gov't, that animals left unclaimed by their owners will be disposed of within 72 hours. We think, now that this only applies to the Fukushima region, where people are having to leave due to the threat of radiation exposure.
as of March 22 this new info has been found:
https://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=209237672422068still, keep on signing to make a difference!
Thank you!
We the undersigned following recent information received regarding the gassing of pets founds, within the 72 hrs, - please find enclosed a reaction to this terrifying action!Whilst all our sympathies are with the peoples of Japan, from all points of the world - we also believe there are other ways to save these animals who don%uFFFDt have a voice but so much sentiment.In the recent catastrophe in Brazil, due to rains, all rescued animals were distributed to different cities and auctioned and/ or given away in places where the tragedy had n%uFFFDt stricken and people were willing to help in many ways.Surely other areas of Japan, the South, West could engage in similar activity with great results.There is ALWAYS a way to avoid more suffering to all at stake, animals and people!Please heed our Petiton and let us know how/if we can help you help us too!
Thank you for your time, we know it is precious - thank you for a pets life too!
Hoping for better times for all.
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