Global Warming - to U.N. for Global Green Fund ($120 B/y) to save life on Earth

Created by Anthony Marr, founder and president of HOPE ( /

To Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations

Dear Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon,

On April 9, 2008, the Global Conference on Oceans, Coasts and Islands was featured in a newspaper article titled "Oceans warming 4 times faster than predicted", which concluded with: More money must be spent on protecting international waters," and we would add, "the atmosphere, the Arctic and Antarctic, the Amazon rainforest, the Boreal forest, African wildlife, biodiversity, in fact, the entire biosphere itself."

World experts have determined that a Global Green Fund for healing our planet Earth of $120 billion per annum is the bare bone minimum.

Almost shockingly, in this hour of critical planetary need, such a Global Green Fund DOES NOT EVEN EXIST. In contrast, the Global Military Expenditure towers $1.2 trillion per annum, and to what good end?

A mere 10% of it would make the $120 billion Global Green Fund.

As a nature-revering, peace-loving and deeply concerned planetary citizen, in view of the current global environmental crisis in climate change, habitat destruction and species extermination, I am writing to participate with other planetary citizens worldwide in presenting the following proposal:

As overseen by the United Nations, all member nations shall contribute ten percent (10%) of their military budgets, totaling $120 billion per annum approximately, to a U.N.-administered Global Green Fund dedicated to solving the environmental problems of the planet Earth.

Nations may contribute by means of environmental work performed by their military forces (e.g. by using the army for anti-poaching and habitat protection, and the navy for enforcing international laws on the high seas) in lieu of financial contributions.

By this method, there will be no relative loss of military strength for any nation, the world will be 10% safer, and Planet Earth will be 100% greener, and our children's future will be infinitely brighter.

Where the United Nations is concerned, it will finally have a real budget with the real means to heal our planet Earth. 

We ask you to please use your influence to facilitate the creation of this Global Green Fund, for saving life on Earth from mass extinction due to global warming and habitat destruction.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours Sincerely,

Anthony Marr, founder and president
Heal Our Planet Earth (HOPE)
4118 West 11th Ave.,
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6R 2L6
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