Harvard Degrees for Secret Court Victims

The Harvard Secret Court Victims of 1920 deserve "Their Day in the Yard." This petition seeks to end the disgrace.


In 1920, Harvard President Abbott Lawrence Lowell formed a secret court to hunt down and expel homosexuals.

Nine students were expelled. They were not only asked to leave the University, but were also asked to leave Cambridge, MA.

Two of the students were allow back, but the rest were not and one killed himself over the ordeal--Eugene R. Cummings was only 23-years-old and was three weeks away from graduation.

This movement was started by a soon to be graduate of Harvard University (class of 2011), who wanted to try and help the expelled students achieve the recognition that they deserve, before she graduated. Fellow students and supporters quickly joined this worthy initiative. Together, we urge the University to right this wrong and recognize the seven students, who were expelled and not readmitted, by granting them posthumous honorary degrees.

Please sign this petition and forward.
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