Help Save the Sweetwater

Tucked away in the heart of Mill Valley, the Sweetwater music club has been the premier live music location in the North Bay. Hosting both nationally and internationally known acts, the Sweetwater has been a pillar in the San Francisco Bay Area music scene for over 30 years. Bonnie Raitt, John Lee Hooker, John Hiatt, Dave Grisman, Ben Harper, Dave Matthews, John Hammond, Elvis Costello and Train are just a few of the thousands who have graced the stage at the Sweetwater. This place is history right here in the San Francisco Bay.

On August 5, 2007 it was made public that the Aversa family (owners of the building) is forcing the Sweetwater (business owners) out of the current building and is planning for pending 'repairs'. The current rent payments far exceed local property values and the Aversa family plans to raise rent by an unheard of amount, although at this point the conversation is not even open to allow the Sweetwater to move back into the building no matter what the rent is. We need your help in raising positive awareness that the Sweetwater is worth saving %u2013 for music, for the merchants and residents of Mill Valley, and for the culture of the Bay Area. By signing this petition you are using your voice to show support for this community doing what needs to be done to keep this piece of music history right where it is.

Please show your positive support for the Sweetwater by signing this petition now. Forward it to everyone you know. We need you. This only takes a few minutes and it is so important.

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