Save our Internet!

Senator Jay Rockefeller D-W.VA is proposing a bill that will allow the President, in matters of so-called 'Cyber Security', to "turn off" the internet. This goes against 3 of the 4 basic freedoms that we are granted as American Citizens- Speech, Press, and Assembly.

The internet is our one last "free-press" and we cannot allow it to be taken from us whenever Big Brother sees fit.

To those of you American citizens, especially the Internet users- don't let them take away our Internet.  It is a freedom, that if taken away, it can lead to other freedoms taken from us. What are we to expect next- censoring our movies and newspapers? Our television shows? Our radio? The internet is not a government owned or controlled domain- do not let them regulate it like everything else!

To those of you not residing in the U.S., especially if your laws already maintain, censor or prohibit certain aspects of your internet usage, please sign if you are against ANOTHER government taking over their country's rights.
For 233 years, our glorious country, the United States of America, has flourished under its government- both through good times and bad. The one static piece of our lives as American citizens is not our money, our economy or our leaders- but our rights.

We the undersigned understand your concern with 'Cyber Terrorism' and appreciate that concern, however; to hand over the rights of the entire nation's internet usage (which is more than 70% of our population) to one person, with the power to 'shut off' the internet, is a severe decision that violates [3 of the 4 rights in] the First Amendment of our Constitution.

As American citizens, we are fortunate and blessed to have an institution such as the World Wide Web- it has opened countless doors to information, jobs, education, and entertainment. We pride ourselves as being a 'free' nation- much unlike our neighbors in communist or heavily-censored countries. By giving the power to 'take away' the internet to one person, puts us in a similar position as those other countries- making our words and ideals false.

Please, Mr. President, Sen. Rockefeller, and all other members of the Senate; reconsider the Cybersecurity Act of 2009, adding alternative protection measures that will not take away our freedoms. We would be much more willing to comply and welcome an alternative route to security, that would be secure, safe, and accomodating of our lifestyles.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and services to our nation.
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