Sam Seder Deserves a Daily Show

If you didn't get a chance to sign Robert Greenwald's petition to get Sam Seder a daily show, sign this one!  It will be available until the end of April.

Sam Seder's been on the cutting edge of liberal talk radio and community building for several years now.  He's a funny, smart, engaging host who is an exceptional representative of liberal values.  It's long past time for Seder to get a daily show!  
We, the undersigned, strongly urge you to put Sam Seder into Randi Rhodes' recently vacated time slot. Sam's been on the cutting edge of liberal talk radio and community building for several years now.  He's a funny, smart, engaging host who is an exceptional representative of liberal values.  It's long past time for him to get a daily show again.  Please reinstate the Sam Seder Show 5 days a week!

Thank you for your time.
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