Remove the Financial Sanctions on Faraj Hassan

Faraj Hassan is currently being subjected to Financial Sanctions ostensibly by the United Nations, but in reality this has been applied by both the Italian and British Governments who are aware that this sanction should never have been applied yet continue to mentally torture this young man of 28.

The Italian Government submitted his name and details to the United Nations committee. They of course had a vested interest in doing so in 2002, as they were attempting to extradite him to Italy from the United Kingdom where he had claimed asylum. Through doing this, they could claim in an open court that he was recognised by the United Nations as a %u201Cterrorist%u201D and should be extradited, thereby becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. It is interesting to note that his two co-defendants in this extradition attempt were found innocent of all terrorism-related charges.

Faraj has always emphatically denied that he is involved in any kind of extremism, and indeed when his co-defendants had the opportunity to be challenged in an open court, this position was vindicated.

A press report of the trial in Italy which Faraj would have been in had the Italian government been successful in their extradition reported that %u201CA Milan Court on Monday 9th May 2005 cleared five Tunisians accused of helping terrorist attacks outside Italy and of recruiting militant foreign fighters.%u201D

This petition demands that these Financial Sanctions are lifted by the United Nations immediately, as they have no basis and are without foundation. This will allow Faraj and his young family to live a life free from harassment and intimidation by the Libyan, Italian and British Governments

Dear Sirs,

We, The Undersigned,

write to you regarding Faraj Hassan, AKA Detainee AS, who is currently being held under a control order and subjected to United Nations Sanctions Enforcement Order 1267 in the United Kingdom.

Faraj has always emphatically denied that he is involved in any kind of extremism, and indeed when his co-defendants had the opportunity to be challenged in an open court, this position was vindicated.

The application was made whilst he was awaiting extradition to Italy on terrorism charges, however this procedure was later abandoned, with his co-defendants cleared of any terrorism involvement. Despite this, he remains on the list.

These measures are extremely punitive and have a massive impact on both himself and his family. The house he lives in is frequently searched and disrupted, he is forced to live in abject poverty being prohibited from handling any funds. He is often subjected to bouts of depression and loneliness due to the excessive restrictions imposed on him.

He believes he has been subjected to these measures because Libya wish to persecute him. Libya has of course been implicated in numerous terrorist incidents in the past, therefore it is the height of Irony that he is an innocent young man accused of terrorism by a former terrorist state.

I urge you to immediate lift the sanctions placed upon Faraj Hassan, to allow himself and his family to move forward and to allow him to lead a normal life.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.


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