"Me and Orson Welles" in Russia

  • al: Andrei
  • destinatario: "Me and Orson Welles" DVD & Blu-Ray release in Russia


I'm writing this post as an appeal to "Me and Orson Welles" the movie production company and to the companies allocated with powers to distribute this film in Russia on DVD and Blu-Ray.

As 'Me and Orson Welles' has a special interest at an audience, art value, was rated 100 Critics Choice by Broadcast Film Critics Association(http://www.bfca.org/movie/movie.php?id=2912) and was nominated for several awards, I suppose this movie should be released in Russia for Russian audience to have an opportunity to watch this movie in their national language. Although it won't break a cash desk, I'm sure it'll find its own buyer and grateful spectator in Russia.

I hope me and other people who signed up this petition will be heard and taken into consideration.


Ja nachinaju jeto post kak prizyv k proizvoditeljam fil'ma "Ja i Orson Ujells" i kompanijam nadelennyh polnomochijami, rasprostranit' dannyj fil'm v Rossii na DVD i Dlu-Ray.

Tak kak "Ja i Orson Ujells" predstavljaet osobyj interes u auditorii, hudozhestvennuju cennost', 100 ballov Rejtinga Kinokritikov (http://www.bfca.org/movie/movie.php?id=2912), a tak zhe rjad drugih nominacij. Dannyj fil'm dolzhen byt' vypuwen v Rossii, dlja vozmozhnosti prosmotra rossijskim zriteljam na nacional'nom jazyke. Pust' fil'm ne budet imet' ogromnuju auditoriju, no navernjaka na rynke sbyta v Rossii on najdet svoego pokupatelja.

Nadejus', chto ja i moi soratniki budem uslyshany i prinjaty vo vnimanie.


Following its recent release Me and Orson Welles has scooped a number of accolades, including 'Top Ten Film of the Year' from both The New Yorker and The Observer newspapers!

See below for a full list of the awards and nominations received so far:

Top Ten Film of the Year

Philip French - The Observer

Me and Orson Welles

Top Ten Film of the Year
David Denby - The New Yorker

At The Movies With Michael Phillips & AO Scott

Me and Orson Welles

Top Ten Independent Film of the Year

National Board of Review

Me and Orson Welles

Discovery of the Year - Male

Chris Tookey - Daily Mail

Christian McKay - Me and Orson Welles

Best Supporting Actor - Winner

San Francisco Film Critics Awards

Christian McKay - Me and Orson Welles

Austin Film Critics Awards - Breakthrough Artist Award - Winner

Christian McKay - Me and Orson Welles

Chicago Film Critics Awards - Best Supporting Actor %u2013 Nomination

Christian McKay - Me and Orson Welles

Detroit Film Critics Awards - Best Supporting Actor - Nomination

Christian McKay - Me and Orson Welles

Independent Spirit Awards - Best Supporting Male - Nomination

Christian McKay - Me and Orson Welles

Broadcast Film Critics- Choice Awards - Best Supporting Actor %u2013 Nomination

Christian McKay - Me and Orson Welles

British Independent Film Awards 2009 - Most Promising Newcomer -  Nomination

Christian McKay - Me and Orson Welles

More Aawards




"Me and Orson Welles" DVD & Blu-Ray release in Russia
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