Protest the Dutch Coffee Shop Ban!

The first time I saw Amsterdam, the beautiful Dutch capital with it's many canals, bridges, boats, bicycles, and the lovely old leaning buildings, I fell in love with it. Ever since I would return there to spend a few days or weeks each year, and I never did it for the sole reason to smoke weed.
But now the new Dutch government has a hideous plan: all "coffee shops", the famous bars where you can legally buy and smoke cannabis, are to be converted into private clubs requiring membership - and such membership requiring Dutch citizenship!
Because of this outrageous discrimination I'm asking EVERYONE to boycott the Netherlands as a travel destination if  they really implement this abominable law!
If you are Dutch yourselves, please support this petition in solidarity with foreigners who would like to continually enjoy the tolerance and liberty which the Netherlands used to be famous for.
It doesn't matter whether or not you ever smoked cannabis yourselves or whether or not you were planning to ever do it - this is merely about FREEDOM and CHOICE!
Dear representatives of the Dutch government,

we, the undersigned, are appealing to you to rethink the plan of excluding foreigners from the coffee shops. Your country has been famous not only for its lovely historic cities and picturesque landscape but first of all for its tolerance and liberty - please don't destroy this positive image by introducing a discriminating law which will drive tourists away from visiting the Netherlands in the future!
The torch of freedom is not always carried with ease, but even in difficult times it needs to be upheld or its light is to be smothered. For a long time your country has courageously marched forward for the cause of liberation, also  leading for instance in the legalization of gay marriage. If you now choose to drop the torch of freedom we pray that someone else will pick it up before it dies, but in any case your beautiful country will then be shunned by a great number of potential tourists - not only by those who intended visiting coffee shops but by all who value freedom for its own sake. No more canal boat cruises, no more taking photos of windmills and pretty slanting buildings, the Dutch stores and markets will appear rather deserted, no more purchase of souvenirs depicting tulips or wooden shoes or let alone the symbols of what is now planned to be outlawed.
By all who wish to see justice and equality for all humanity, the new law will be seen as a setback to liberation in general and thus as extremely negative!
We, the undersigned, therefore pledge to boycott the Netherlands as a travel destination unless we are continually allowed access to the coffee shops, and we are therefore asking you to rethink your plans.
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