Preserve Boulder Creek Neighborhoods - Keep the Rec Center Downtown!

Boulder Creek's "South Village" neighborhood is a quiet, quaint, family-oriented neighborhood. The county's "Boulder Creek Specific Plan" says it should stay that way, and we agree. 
In this economy, any major construction project is questionable, but one that tears down occupied residences to build a massive structure (up to 20,000 square feet!) goes against everything Boulder Creek stands for. 
The South Street location is too far away from downtown. There are no traffic signals, no street lighting, and no crosswalks. The neighbors don't want it, and it is questionable whether the community at large even wants a new center.
Signing this petition DOES NOT necessarily mean you are against a new rec center. It means you are against destroying homes to put a new center in the quiet South Village area.
Read more at our Preserve Boulder Creek Neighborhoods site:
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