Petition & Boycott Against Victoria's Secret

  • al:
  • destinatario: Grace A. Nichols, President & CEO, Victoria's Secret

(This is for women only. Click here to sign the Men's Petition.)

We, the undersigned women ages 13 and older believe that: 

  • Victoria%u2019s Secret sells lingerie in an inappropriate manner that fits into the category of soft porn, and has resorted to degrading and sexually explicit advertising campaigns.
  • We find it particularly offensive that models are portrayed wearing little-to-no clothing in highly visible areas and even mannequins are provocatively posed.  
  • We realize that in order to sell lingerie, you must advertise it, but your method of advertising contributes to the sexual objectification of women and the desensitization of morality among women and men.
  • We offer the following recommendations for change to your current advertising campaign to reflect less sexually-explicit ads and more modest ones: Billboards should only advertise the item of lingerie, minus the model. Store-front display advertisements on walls and window ads should only show the item of lingerie, minus the model. Mannequins should not be posed provocatively. Catalogs and website advertisements should only feature models wearing lingerie which covers all body parts. In-store posters should only feature models wearing lingerie which covers all body parts.
  • The Victoria Secrets "Victoria's Angels" Fashion show should only air on adult premium channels, rather than mainstream TV.

However, due to the fact that Victoria Secrets does not currently promote modest practices in their advertising campaigns, we, the following undersigned women ages 13 and older, have decided to boycott your store by purchasing our lingerie elsewhere.

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