NOPD Supervisor Warren Riley Must Be Removed

Here in New Orleans post-Flood we have a crime rate that is the worst in the Nation. Supervisor Riley is doing nothing to correct the situation.

Now we learn that the Evidence storage trailer has been compromised. $19K , and possible many more thousands of dollars, are missing.

529 arrests have just been released from prosecution because the NOPD didn't file reports on the cases.

Warren Riley is totally ineffectual in the performance of his duties as Supervisor of the New Orleans Police Department. Crime is up, there is seemingly no oversight and control being exercised in the operation of our police force.

Mayor Nagin must confront this problem and dismiss Mr. Riley in order to help those of us rebuilding our city to be safe. Our city's future depends on this.
Mayor Nagin, we the undersigned have no more tolerance for the ineffectual operations of the New Orleans Police Department under Supervisor Warren Riley's watch. We wish to see the crime rate go down, and we desire accountability for those arrested when the cases are turned over to the District Attorney's Office.

We, the people who are actually rebuilding this wonderful city deserve the protection from crime that we pay for through our taxes. We are not seeing that protection and all we seem to get is excuses.

It's far past time to remove Mr. Riley from his post and get a true leader in the NOPD.
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