Local Oversight for Biological Laboratories

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the anthrax terrorist attack of 2001 was perpetrated by one of America's most prestigious researchers with the highest security clearance who killed his victims using a deadly pathogen developed in Fort Detrick, ostensibly one of the most secure biological laboratories in the world.

Since 2001, the number of level 3 and 4 biosafety laboratories has increased 300% and not even the US Government Accounting Office (GAO) knows where they all are or what they are all doing.

In light of the FBI's conclusions, it is now apparent that:

  1. The threat of bioterrorism comes as much from within United States research laboratories as from without;
  2. For the sake of our own security, neighborhoods where biosafety laboratories are located have an absolute right and obligation to know who is doing what with what pathogens, who is funding the research, and all that they intend to do with it;
  3. Regulation of the laboratory research industry is and has been grossly inadequate to safeguard the health and safety of our neighborhoods;
  4. Assurances that biosafety laboratories currently meet the highest levels of state and commercial security, in light of the 2001 anthrax attacks, have been proved to be illusory;
  5. Billions of dollars have been wasted over many years on funding corporate research that has contributed to profits on Wall Street but that has not measurably improved the health of U.S. citizens.

THEREFORE, in the name of our communities and U.S. citizens, for the sake of our health and the wellbeing of this and future generations, WE DEMAND:

  1. Strong and meaningful local regulation of commercial and government biological laboratories;
  2. The curtailment of research on potentially hazardous pathogens and substances in the neighborhoods where we live and work;
  3. The immediate reallocation of research funding from military or dual use biomedical programs to national health care for all U.S. citizens.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, support these demands and the political means to accomplish them forthwith.

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