Irish Setter Dog dragged to death by Beulah Michigan Man

40 Year old Carl Merlin Morgan of Beulah Michigan was bound over for trial in the Oceana County 27th Circuit Court on a change of killing and torturing an animal, a four year felony, in the dragging death of an Irish Setter Dog on April 21, 2011.  He is also charged with abandoning and cruelty to an animal, a 93 day misdemeanor.

The dragging incident was reported to police at about 10 p.m., after a woman noticed a trail of blood on Taylor Road near 48th Avenue in Golden Township and called 911.  Police followed the three mile long blood trail, which led them to the buried dog.  The driver of the truck faces the same charges.  Police said they have not been able to locate the driver.

The opportunity exists for the courts to send a strong message that abusing, torturing or killing animals is not acceptable.  We are asking Chief Judge, Anthony Monton to not be lenient to this man. To prosecute him to a minimum of 5 years begin bars, and a $20,000 fine.

Honorable Anthony Monton, Chief Judge
Oceana County 27th District Court
100 S State St
Su M-10
Hart MI 49240

Honorable Judge Monton:
We the signers of this petition are appealing to you to charge Carl Merlin Morgan, the man who dragged the Irish Setter to his/her death, sentence of a minimum 4 years with a $20,000 fine.  A stop has to be made to stop this horrific animal cruelty. 

Hopefully if people know they will spend many years in prison plus a hefty fine they will think twice before abusing animals.

Thank you for your time.

Virtual Peace Movement to ask for stronger laws against animal abuse
and Petition Signers
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