For a European ban on the boiling alive of lobsters

Every living being aspires to grow up in a environment that is free from cruelty and   violence. Lobsters and animals in general aren't any different from humans. They want to see their children grow up in a loving and caring environment,  they hope to take out the best of their lives and live it at its most full.  They also fight and have endless struggles, like us humans.

To justify the extreme cruelty and pain they have to endure to come to person' plate, a general campaign of dehumanisation has happened against the lobsters  in which they have been portrayed as mindless savages ready to kill off their own children and cannibalize other lobsters, and being basically a empty automat guided only by instinct.


Many lobsters have also to contend with the long agonizing, days sitting in a fish tank not knowing when its life will end  or having to cope with the insatiable hunger that they cannot satisfy, as often they aren't  even fed. No creature should have to pass through such pain in the pursuit of enjoyment.

So we, the undersigned, ask that the European union pass a motion to ban the practice of boiling alive lobsters and their sale in supermarkets and restaurants through the whole European union.

We the undersigned,

Believe that Every living being aspires to grow up in a environment that is free from cruelty and   violence. Lobsters and animals in general aren%u2019t any different from humans. They want to see their children grow up in a loving and caring environment,  they hope to take out the best of their lives and live it at its most full.  They also fight and have endless struggles, like us humans.

To justify the extreme cruelty and pain they have to endure to come to person%u2019s plate, a general campaign of dehumanisation has happened against the lobsters  in which they have been portrayed as mindless savages ready to kill off their own children and cannibalize other lobsters, and being basically a empty automat guided only by instinct

Many lobsters have also to contend with the long agonizing, days sitting in a fish tank not knowing when its life will end  or having to cope with the insatiable hunger that they cannot satisfy, as often they aren%u2019t even fed. No creature should have to pass through such pain in the pursuit of enjoyment.

So we, the undersigned, ask that the European union pass a motion to ban the practice of boiling alive lobsters and their sale in supermarkets and restaurants through the whole European union.



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