Encourage Nobel Foundation to offer a prize for developing alternatives to animal experimentation

Encourage Nobel Foundation to offer a prize for developing alternatives to animal experimentation

World-renowned primatologist Dr. Jane Goodall has proposed the creation of a new Nobel Prize category for scientists who advance medical knowledge through the development of working alternatives to animal experimentation. Please Take Action to encourage the Nobel Foundation to consider Dr. Goodall's suggestion to create a prize for the development of alternatives to animal experimentation.

I am writing to ask that you take Dr. Jane Goodall's suggestion that the Nobel Foundation create a prize for the development of alternatives to animal experimentation.

Dr. Goodall, whose pioneering work with chimpanzees in the wild changed the face of ethology, said that "As we move into the 21st century we need a new mindset. We should admit that the infliction of suffering on beings who are capable of feeling is ethically problematic and that the amazing human brain should set to work to find new ways of testing and experimenting that will not involve the use of live, sentient beings."

Promoting humane alternatives to animal testing would also ultimately advance knowledge in the field of medicine, because such methods are often more sophisticated and applicable to studying human health than animal models. I strongly encourage the Nobel Foundation to create a prize for the development of alternatives to animal experimentation to benefit humanity and prevent unnecessary animal suffering.

more information can be found at ..... http://ga0.org/campaign/nobel/

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