Demand Robeson County Stop Heartsticking

  • al: 911
  • destinatario: Governor Perdue
Demand that Mrs. Bev Perdue stop the use of heartsticking as the way to euthanize dogs and cats at the Robeson County Animal Shelter/Control. You can see video online how hundreds of innocent dogs and cats are abused and killed on a weekly basic. This is barbacic yet she continues to not pass laws to end this sick abuse. Pet overpopulation is a big problem in Robeson County because they don't have strict laws on caring for your pet or spaying/neutering them so they end up being abused by the employess at local shelters. This needs to stop in 2010. Mrs. Perdue is obviously not an animal lover and should be ashamed of herself and her State.
Governor Bev Perdue
20301 Mail Service Center
Raliegh, NC 27699
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