No to animals in circus and street entertainment in Ukraine

In Ukraine, animals are abused, malnourished, and denied medical care in circuses and mobile zoos. Used as a commodity to make money, these animals travel from town to town in small, unclean outdoor cages, despite harsh winter weather or unbearable summer heat. They live short lives and die of exhaustion, sickness or abuse in the hands of businessmen who possess no training in animal care.

Click here to see the conditions in which animals are kept (we did not include images which are very upsetting or painful to watch):
Ukraine has no laws to protect these animals. As a consequence, animal protection organizations have no legal ways to fight these criminals. With this petition, we demand attention of the President, the members of Parliament and  the Cabinet of Ministers.
For more information, click here:
Thank you for your time and support!

We the undersigned request that the government and the parliament of Ukraine prohibit commercial use of animals in Ukraine, including in mobile zoos, aquariums, terrariums, oceanariums, delfinariums, and circuses that exploit wild animals, including tropical and subtropical animals. 

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