We, the undersigned, respectfully ask for your immediate support and cosponsorship of bill H.R.503 / S.727, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act 2009, which will protect American horses from being acquired for the purpose of slaughter for human consumption and prohibits their inhumane transport cross country and across our borders to a horrible death on foreign soil. 

     We also insist that you ask, as we are asking the Speaker of the House and Senate and House Leaders to afford these bills due process and help schedule them to be brought to the floor for consideration.  An overwhelming number of House and Senate members support this measure and deserve and should be absolutely granted their right of a vote, and hence, be given an opportunity to vote on our behalf.

     As citizens of this country, we need your help in protecting one of America's icons, which are also our companion animals, service and work animals, athletes and family pets.  Horses have never been raised or bred for food consumption or for slaughter in the United States.

  The horse slaughter industry has stymied commerce in the American live horse industry and has violated our property rights by removing our ability to sell horses as horses, with any assurance that they will not end up on an overcrowded transport truck, destined for a foreign dinner plate. 

  There is no greater betrayal than this, for an animal who has been a friend, serviced their owners  and trusted humans for their care, to have their lives ended prematurely and horribly, only to benefit the big business of foreign slaughter.

   This also is a tremendous personal violation for an individual to learn that they have unknowingly relinquished their animal into the slaughter pipeline, or lost their animal through theft for this purpose, and then realize it is our Government which continues to allow this atrocity to prevail.

     We insist that this brutality and oppression end immediately!!  This is a moral and cruelty issue and we are insisting that you as our legislators, provide the expedited passage of the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act 2009 into legislation.

     As your constituents and a huge majority opposing this atrocity, we are demanding that you exhibit an immediate and positive voice on our behalf, by bringing an end to something that is not supported by the American public and is in complete opposition of our American ideals!!

�� �We the undersigned are requesting for our government to expedite passage of any and all legislation, pending and forthcoming, pertaining to the protection and cease of transport and slaughter of American horses.
�� We as citizens of this Country expect more civilized treatment for our animals.
�� Horses deserve so much more than this oppression which the foreign slaughter industry has bestowed on them and on us.
�� Thank you for taking time to read our request and letters and ask that you�
�� Please, help get these bills passed!
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