Aloha!  The Senate votes on the bill today; then it will go to the House.  So I am going to leave the online petition open.  Please help us!

I post detailed progress reports on my Facebook page (JAdamsEsq: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/jadamsesq?ref=profile)

Mahalo!  Jo-Ann

This bill would treat ALL couples in Hawaii equally.  It would recognize marriages, domestic partnerships and civil unions peformed elsewhere.

Is allows ALL couples to register for civil unions, both same-sex and opposite-sex, as long as they meet the other requirements set forth for marriage.

The civil unions bill (HB444) was heard and passed by the House of the Hawaii State Legislature in 2009.  The bill was heard and amended by the Sentate of the Hawaii State Legislature in 2009.  No further hearings are required.  The bill can be quickly passed by the Senate, then passed by the House, then forwarded to the Governor for signature. 

We, the undersigned, call upon the Hawaii State Legislature to pass civil unions bill (HB444) as soon as the legislature reconvenes in 2010.

We, the undersigned, call upon the Governor to sign the civil unions bill as soon as it reaches her desk.

We, the undersigned, believe that ALL committed couples and their families are should be treated equally under the law.  ALL committed couples should be recognized; ALL children should be protected.

firma la petición
firma la petición
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