Restore the Right of Public Assembly in Santa Cruz City Parking lots

Anyone who remains in a Public Santa Cruz parking lot for longer than fifteen minutes, regardless if you have a car or bike on premises is in violation of the new Parking Lot Trespass law and is guilty of trespassing, punishable as an infraction with a fine ranging from $100-$200.

This means no napping or reading in your car, no resting while your other half shops,  no sleeping off too much to drink. No associating with others on land we all collectively own. This stifles free speech and assembly rights and is unconstitutional in nature.

These types of laws lead to "No speech zones" with small inadequate  "Free Speech Zones" nearby -- in a Country where Free Speech is supposed to be a basic right human right we all equally share.

There is a law for every possible criminal act that can take place in a parking lot. There is no crime wave in the lots.  This law is meant to selectively target the poor and homeless.

When you remove a right from one class, you remove it from all.

We say in one voice, "No!" to the 15 minute panic law. 

This may not be your city, but your city could be next.  You may want to park here - without a 15 minute time limit.

The Entire Law can be found here.

Additionally you can help by contacting our City Council and showing your opposition to this law. 

809 Center Street, Room 10
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
(831) 420-5020

We, the undersigned, demand that all Santa Cruz public parking lots and garages be restored for public use without a time limit.  Sitting in a vehicle, chatting with a friend, eating a sandwich, and other innocent behavior must not be crimes--as they now are under the new 15-Minute Trespass Law.

We demand the Santa Cruz City Council to retract this law, and restore the rights of all people to use the parking lots without a time limit. There is a law for anything that can happen in the lots, and the police can and do use them. This law is a waste of resources and time. This is a right we refuse to give up on land the residents of Santa Cruz collectivity own.

The City has wasted enough of our time and police resources and city money. Its time to stop, and the time is now.

Thank you for your support in restoring our basic right to assemble, associate and rest without a 15 minute time limit.

The Petition Signers
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