After Liam Payne's Tragic Passing, TMZ Published a Photo of His Body. We Must Hold It Accountable for This Disrespectful Invasion.

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: TMZ Founder and Executive Producer Harvey Levin
On Wednesday, October 16, celebrity singer and songwriter Liam Payne died at the far too young age of 31. Best known for his part in the boy band One Direction, Payne's death has shocked an entire generation of fans that grew up with the star. When a public figure passes away, especially so early in life, there is always a great deal of public interest and opinion, and the media of course plays a role in that. But one media outlet took this devastating event and treated it with nothing but disrespect and insensitivity.

Tabloid news source TMZ broke the news of Liam Payne's death by publishing a photo of his body.

The online publication has sense removed the photo, but the damage is done. Sign the petition demanding accountability for this horrendous move.

TMZ knew exactly what it was doing when it published such an invasive photo. It is one of a handful of news organizations that prioritize clicks and views over ethics, truth, and a backbone. Staffers were well aware that they would eventually have to take down the photo. It should not be taken as any sort of apology, but rather TMZ gambling with the deceased's memory and the lives of his friends and family -- some of whom hadn't even begun to mourn him when the explicit image was published.

TMZ has a reputation for abandoning any understood code of journalistic ethics in order to get a scoop. It is known to harass, speculate, and cross lines when it comes to people's lives. This isn't even the first time the news outlet has stooped low enough to report on a celebrity's death before some of their family knew: police criticized TMZ's presence and reporting on the scene of Kobe Bryant and his daughter's death.

Journalism is a cornerstone of our society, but it is only as strong as the morals it commits to upholding. TMZ has few morals, and therefore harms more people than it helps. In the case of someone's death, what is more important: protecting their privacy, or showing the world intimate details that, frankly, no one is entitled to but those closest to them?

We demand accountability, now. As the founder and executive producer of TMZ, Harvey Levin is directly responsible for the cruel, unethical culture that has festered at TMZ. Levin must issue an apology to Liam Payne's family, and commit to a complete culture overhaul of his organization.

There are certain values that we must demand from the media: honesty, respect, and the preservation of all human dignity. Let's tell TMZ that the world is watching. They wanted views, and they got them. But instead of monetizing us, they've activated us into demanding accountability. Sign the petition and tell TMZ to do better or shut down!
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