Balloon Debris Kills Animals and Builds Up Microplastic Waste in the Environment. Ban the Intentional Releasing of Balloons Now!

People often think it's fun to intentionally release balloons into the sky, thinking it looks pretty and celebratory. But the truth is that wayward balloons are deadly for animals and horrible for the environment.

After these stretchy pieces of plastic return to the Earth or the seas, unsuspecting animals often mistake it for food, stuffing themselves with these toxic chemical-based products. Their bodies can't break down the material, leaving it stuck inside them forever. Even worse: balloons fill up animals' stomachs, making them think they've eaten enough... so they starve to death.

That's why it's so uplifting to learn that Florida lawmakers are planning to ban the intentional releasing of balloons outside in the open air. We have to encourage them to follow through and pass this ban now! Sign the petition!

Balloon debris is scattered all across the world, including in waterways, and often washing up onto beaches. It ends up inside the dead bodies of all types of animals, including seabirds, turtles, and other aquatic wildlife, as well as even inside of farmed cows. In fact, balloon pollution is "32 times more likely to kill seabirds than other types of plastic debris."

Balloons are also a huge contributor to microplastic pollution. Recent studies showing the microplastics have made their way into all manner of fish, cows, and other animals, as well as into human semen, breastmilk, and even our very cells.

We don't allow other types of littering - so we shouldn't allow balloon littering either. As a state that's surrounded by water and covered in beaches, Florida in particular could be an environmental leader if it takes a stand against this hazard now.

Sign the petition to demand that Florida state legislators ban people from intentionally releasing balloons outside!
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