Protect the Child. Demand that Stop Signs Should be Red.

The colors of this world are many and beautiful.From the sweet pastels of pink and blue that remind us of layettes and freshly scrubbed baby cheeks to the deep jeweled tones of autumn foliage found at feet of the fondest memories, it is the color that we remember. It is the color that reminds us of what was, what is, and what should be.Therefore, out of concern for the safety and welfare of us all, this petition has been drafted in order to demand that we put the power of color to use and demand that all stop signs from this day forward be RED.A powerful and symbolic color, most of us already associate RED with stop- just as we associate the color green with go. The time to make a difference is NOW. It is imperative that we take the time to form a united front and demand that everyone knows when to STOP. It is time that we make a united stand and be heard as one voice when we demand that all stop signs should be RED.By now, you should be asking yourself why you just spent the last few moments reading a petition about making stop signs red. After all, stop signs are already red. What would be the point in signing a petition that makes demands for the creation of something that already exists?That's the point. There isn't one.Sometimes, we get all caught up in the need to make a difference- the need to bring about a change; that we don't take the necessary time in order to find out whether or not that change is already there just waiting to make a difference on its own. We don't take the time to find out what it is that is necessary to make that change beneficial to us all.Stop signs are already RED.The Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (HR 4472) is already signed by our President and is only waiting the necessary funding to have it fully operational. Please take a moment to read through the basic fact sheet found here or realize its full potential by reading through the entire act HERE.Once you have recognized what a major impact this Act will have on this terrible war against our children, we ask that you come back here and add your name to this petition as a pledge to do what is necessary in order to start protecting our children NOW by writing to your representatives and demanding that they act swiftly to fully fund ALL mandates of The Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act.A letter template and information on how to contact your representatives can be found by clicking on the "See Full Petition" link above or by scrolling to the bottom of this page.Please, pledge to have your voice heard NOW and take that necessary step to truly protect our children.
Copy and paste the following letter into your favorite word processing program or email client:Dear Senator:As your constituent, I am writing this letter to urge you and your colleagues to act swiftly to fully fund the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. The provisions of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act must be funded now so that law enforcement can protect children and communities from the scourge of convicted sex offenders:I urge you to fully fund all of the mandates within the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. I am particularly concerned about the following:1. To implement an effective and comprehensive national registry database and website of sex offenders.2. To build capacity in the federal law enforcement system to enable law enforcement to track and capture noncompliant sex offenders and bring them to justice.3. To implement a national DNA database so that law enforcement can accurately and promptly verify DNA evidence.Citizens must have access to accurate and timely information regarding convicted sex offenders living in their community. The 50 states and the federal government must be afforded adequate resources to build and maintain an effective national sex offender database. A national sex offender database is a critical safeguard to protect America’s children and with each passing day that the provisions of this law are not funded, the danger to children is heightened. When information about the identity and whereabouts of convicted sex offenders is not accessible, accurate and verifiable, our communities are at grave risk.I strongly urge you to act now to fund the mandates passed in the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act so that our children are kept safe from these dangerous predators and law enforcement has the necessary investigative resources.Thank you for your attention to this urgent request.Sincerely,Your senators' mailing and email addresses can be found by visiting
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