We Want Adobe LiveMotion 3.0.

  • al: Matthew Skidmore
  • destinatario: John Warnock, CEO, Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe LiveMotion is a premier web development tool that creates Flash applications in an efficient manner. Adobe LiveMotion was discontinued and “We Want It Back.” Please make your voices heard and tell Adobe that we want LiveMotion 3.0, by signing this petition. You can make a difference. Thank you for your help, Livemotion2.com.
Adobe LiveMotion is a premier web development tool that creates Flash applications in an efficient manner. Adobe LiveMotion was discontinued and “We Want It Back.” Please make your voices heard and tell Adobe that we want LiveMotion 3.0, by signing this petition. You can make a difference.
For more information on LiveMotion and our cause please visit us at www.Livemotion2.com
Also you can write a letter to Adobe expressing your feelings about LiveMotion being discontinued at:
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110-2704
Tel: 408-536-6000
Fax: 408-537-6000

Thank you for your help,
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