Save Wolves in the Great Lakes!

A new bill aims to remove gray wolves from the endangered species list throughout the Great Lakes region.

Republican senators Ron Johnson and John Barassao's bill would reverse orders to protect wolves in Michigan, Minnesota, Wyoming and Wisconsin.

Our native wolves play an important role in the ecosystem. They help curb populations of grazing animals like elk, keeping a healthy balance between plant, prey and predator species. In 2011, Congress delisted wolves in some of the Northern Rockies states, allowing large numbers of them to be killed by hunters.

We cannot afford to leave wolf populations vulnerable before their numbers have fully recovered. Please sign the petition to urge the House of Representatives to reject the bill to delist wolves in the Great Lakes!

We, the undersigned, are concerned about a new bill introduced by senators Ron Johnson and John Barassao. We understand that thier bill would reverse orders to protect wolves in Michigan, Minnesota, Wyoming and Wisconsin.

Our native wolves play an important role in the ecosystem. They help curb populations of grazing animals like elk, keeping a healthy balance between plant, prey and predator species. In 2011, Congress delisted wolves in some of the Northern Rockies states, allowing large numbers of them to be killed by hunters.

We cannot afford to leave wolf populations vulnerable before their numbers have fully recovered. We respectfully urge you to reject the bill to delist wolves in the Great Lakes. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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