Almost Every Fish and Other Living Creature Died in This River After a Company Polluted it with 265,000 Gallons of Fertilizer

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
A U.S. company just caused a "catastrophic" spill in a major river, leading to more than a thousand tons of liquid fertilizer poisoning and killing approximately 750,000 fish in both Iowa and Missouri. Almost every single fish and other aquatic animals downstream died.

Sign the petition to hold this corporation responsible!

In the span of 2 days, a pipe belonging to the organization released approximately 265,000 gallons of fertilizer into 60 miles of river. It led to the largest kill-off of fish in Iowa in more than 10 years, and the fifth-largest kill-off ever on record.

Frogs, snakes, earthworms, and mussels were also killed off in record numbers. Authorities have yet to determine if burrowing turtles were killed as well.

Cleaning up a fertilizer spill is very different from cleaning up an oil spill, especially because it occurred in a fast-moving river system. The fertilizer almost immediately became diluted in the water and moved downstream, even though its potency was so intense, it killed nearly every living thing in its path for 60 miles.

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources intends to fine the group for its violation of pollution laws and the dead fish, and the state of Iowa is considering fining the organization as well.

But since this was such a huge pollution event that impacted water quality, environmental standards, and wildlife across state lines, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must get involved as well and demand that the company help pay for habitat clean-up and restoration! Sign the petition now!
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