The damage to trees and greenspace as a result of careless development threatens to destroy what makes southwestern Pennsylvania's towns, cities and landscapes unique and beautiful. Scenic Pittsburgh works to ensure that the economic, health and quality-of-life benefits of greenspace and scenic beauty are preserved for everyone.
Together with our parent organization, Scenic America, we help communities defend their greenspace and tree cover, and assist them in leveraging the scenic assets they do have to provide opportunity for everyone. We do this through outreach, education, strategic legal advice, and help with putting legislation in place that benefits residents and attracts business – while protecting what makes our communities what they are!
Beauty is good for business. Good development can be a great boon to a community – but careless development can mean long-term problems. If you're tired of seeing beloved scenery and buildings destroyed when a big chain moves in, we understand – and we can help.
Please sign this petition to keep our communities beautiful and unique – and GREEN, the way they are supposed to be!