We demand the local authorities in Craiova, Romania to allocate money for the spaying of 1000 dogs and cats. Cerem autoritatilor locale din Craiova,Romania,sa aloce bani pentru sterilizarea a 1000 de caini si pisici

There are too many abandoned dogs and cats in Craiova, Romania, especially in the countryside.

The cats live a miserable life whereas the dogs are caught by the dog catchers and killed after 14 days, with high costs for the catching, sheltering and the lethal injection (the costs may reach 260 euros/dog while the spaying fee is no higher than 35 euros.

Thus by the spaying the local authorities will spare a lot of money and the stray problem will be humanely solved.

Please sign this petition urging the Mayor of Craiova to implement a catch and spay programme for cats and dogs in Romania. 


Sunt prea multi caini si pisici abandonate mai ales la tara.Pisicile duc o viata mizerabila in timp ce cainii sunt prinsi de hingheri si omorati dupa 14 zile, acest lucru implicand costuri mari pentru prindere,adapostire si injectia letala(costurile pot ajunge la 260 euro/caine in timp ce costul sterilizarii nu este mai mare de 35 euro).Astfel prin metoda sterilizarii autoritatile locale vor economisi multi bani iar problema cainilor si pisicilor fara stapan va fi rezolvata intr un mod uman.

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