We Demand the Closure of the Clinton Street Entrance to Williamsburg Bridge

Clinton Street is a wholly inappropriate approach to the Williamsburg Bridge. The street is narrow and parallels a bike lane. Traffic frequently enters into the bike lane when turning from Grand Street, and the pedestrian crossing at Grand and Clinton is extremely dangerous. The streets leading to the Clinton Street bridge-feed traverse a primarily residential neighborhood that is ill equipped to deal with the traffic volume and there is a significant impact on the quality of life. The exhaust and noise pollution generated by vehicles is intolerable and not appropriate for a residential neighborhood.

Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Hello everyone! Well, not only have we smashed through our original 500 signature goal, we are rapidly approaching the 600 signature mark and could smash through that milestone as well! Thank you! We will be keeping the petition open for only a few more days, so if you know anyone who has not signed as of yet, please encourage them to do so soon. Everyone in your household sign can sign. Encourage all of your neighbors to get involved. Together we can make a big difference!
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Thank you one and all for signing the petition! We have collected well over 400 signatures to date and are on our way to reaching our 500 signature goal! PLEASE ASK ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS, FAMILY MEMBERS, AND ROOMMATES TO SIGN AS WELL. The sooner we reach our goal, the sooner we can put pressure on the DOT to address this issue and solve this problem once and for all!
firma la petición
firma la petición
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