Help us end the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia

Families are being left devastated by the dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia as their beloved pets are stolen, killed and eaten.

Never before has the demand for an end to the trade been louder within Vietnam, Cambodia and Indonesia with governments starting to take action.

Add your voice to FOUR PAWS' call for an end to the brutal dog and cat meat trade in Southeast Asia.

By adding your name, you'll join the global movement of people calling for an end to:

  • The theft of millions of family pets in Southeast Asia to be slaughtered for the trade
  • The capture of stray cats and dogs from the streets of Southeast Asia for their meat
  • The brutal killing methods such as drowning, hanging and torching alive
  • The risk of rabies to humans and animals through this trade

By choosing to be part of this global movement you are pledging to help the victims of the dog and cat meat trade and be part of the journey to end this cruel trade for good.

It's time to put an end to this brutal trade, for good.

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