Sign now to protect the Amazon before it’s too late!

The greatest wild forest on the planet, the Amazon, is rapidly approaching a tipping point! This means parts of the rainforest convert to drier ecosystems due to disrupted precipitation patterns and more intense dry seasons, both exacerbated by deforestation.

Research shows this tipping point could be triggered at 25% forest loss in conjunction with climate change impacts. An estimated 13% of the original Amazon has already been lost.

The Amazon generates around half of its own rainfall by recycling moisture up to 6 times as air masses move from the Atlantic Ocean in the east across the basin to the west. This unique hydrological cycle has historically supported rainforest ecosystems for vast areas far from the main ocean source.

Time is running out to save the Amazon. Sign up to learn how Amazon Conservation is working on the ground to keep the Amazon from reaching the tipping point!
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