No living being should suffer being burned alive. I can only imagine the horror and pain that is endured. Especially when it's a dog that has no idea what is happening or why it's life is ending in this horrific manner. These heinous acts of cruelty towards animals has to stop NOW and the only way is to serve harsh punishment to the perpetrators, sending a message to anyone who is even contemplating doing something so awful.
A Virginia Beach man has been arrested for the heinous act of burning a dog alive. At the end of May, firefighters responded to a brush fire in the 1200 block of Virginia Beach Boulevard. They discovered the body of a female pit bull mix. Arthur Marques Vieira has been accused of binding the front and back legs of the dog, and setting her on fire while she was still alive.
Though it is unclear if the dog belonged to Vieira, animal control had a picture of the dog that was taken one and a half years prior to this incident, indicating that there was strong evidence of identification, such as a microchip.
He has been charged with one count of animal cruelty, one count of obstructing justice and one count of dumping companion animals on private property.
Please do not let him get away with just a slap on the wrist. It would be an injustice not just to the innocent life that was brutally taken, but to everyone who cares deeply about animals. Please prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and send a message that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated by this fast growing humane society we live in.
David Laird, Commonwealth's Prosecuting Attorney for the City of Virginia Beach
We, the undersigned, demand swift justice and harsh punishment in the case of Arthur Marques Vieira of Virginia Beach, VA. The charges of animal cruelty, obstruction of justice and dumping companion animals on private property need to stick and he should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. What he has done is inexcusable and personally offensive and painful to animal advocates and dog lovers everywhere. There seems to be a worldwide epidemic of animal cruelty and it needs to stop. Social media has brought this subject to the surface for everyone with horrific pictures and videos that people have no problem posting for all to see. They seem to believe it's ok and that they will get away with it. It needs to stop. A strong message needs to be sent to all animal abusers that these criminal acts upon animals will not be tolerated. There is no justice in a slap on the wrist and harsh punishment will be the only outcome if caught perpetrating an act of animal cruelty.
No living being should suffer being burned alive. I can only imagine the horror and pain that is endured. Especially when it's a dog that has no idea what is happening or why it's life is ending in this horrific manner. These heinous acts of cruelty towards animals has to stop NOW and the only way is to serve harsh punishment to the perpetrators, sending a message to anyone who is even contemplating doing something so awful.
Please do not let get away with just a slap on the wrist. It would be an injustice not just to the innocent life that was brutally taken, but to everyone who cares deeply about animals. Please prosecute to the fullest extent of the law on all charges and send a message that cruelty to animals will not be tolerated by this fast growing humane society we live in.
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