Cherokeewinds Natives Holiday

Sign for a good cause. Our natives deserve a holiday of recognization for their history, their struggle for the continuance of their heritage and their native american traditions. There must also be a time for reflection on the horrible injustices that the native american's have faced in the past and continue to struggle with today. Sign Now and support a day of remembrance for the native ancestors of our great nation. The men that were here long before the arrival of the Mayflower.
We, the undersigned, implore you, the President, to honor our native american Brethren and their ancestors with a day of remembrance. We beg that you institute this holiday before the end of 2002. It is critical that we as a people recognize the history of the land we have built our nation upon.

Our Native Americans deserve a holiday of recognization for their history, their struggle for the continuance of their heritage and their native american traditions. There must also be a time for reflection on the horrible injustices that the native american's have faced in the past and continue to struggle with today.

Please support a day of remembrance for the native ancestors of our great nation. The men that were here long before the arrival of the Mayflower.

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