Biden Stood Up to Fossil Fuels and Paused Liquid Natural Gas Exports. He Should Ban Them For Good!

Incredible news -- President Biden has taken a crucial step to address climate change by pausing applications for liquified natural gas (LNG) exports from the US! However, we believe that he can do even better for our planet. That's why we're petitioning President Biden to go a step further and permanently stop LNG exports -- add your name to join the fight!

LNG, or liquified natural gas, contributes to climate change by releasing harmful emissions when burned. Last year, the United States became the world's largest LNG exporter. This is a significant problem for our environment, but we have a chance to make a difference.

We know that President Biden cares about our planet and is committed to tackling the climate crisis. He has made historic investments in clean energy and is working to transition away from fossil fuels. But as he himself has said, "more action is needed."

The climate crisis is here: from a record drought in the Amazon in 2023, to increasingly deadly wildfires every year, to devastating floods, society is under threat of death, devastation, and irreversible change. To halt all LNG exports permanently would be a massive step towards curbing emissions and thus these terrifying affects of climate change.

Biden made campaign commitments to move away from fossil fuels, and now it's time to keep that promise -- he must prove it wasn't all just lip service to get votes. We want to see real action.

Let's join together and call on President Biden to make history by putting an end to LNG exports for good. Together, we can protect our environment and create a cleaner, healthier future for all. Sign this petition today and let your voice be heard!
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