Tell the EPA to Investigate Fracking Contamination!

Over the past year, the Environmental Protection Agency has repeatedly shut down its own fracking-related water contamination investigations after being pressured by the oil and gas industry.

Thanks to EPA whistleblowers, the Los Angeles Times reported that the fracking investigation in Dimock, PA was shut down despite evidence from EPA's water tests that Dimock's drinking water was polluted.

Tell the new EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and President Obama to make sure the EPA does its job.
Over the past year, the Environmental Protection Agency has repeatedly shut down its own fracking-related water contamination investigations after being pressured by the oil and gas industry. It's time to reopen these fracking investigations and provide residents with safe drinking water.

Thanks to EPA whistleblowers, the Los Angeles Times reported that the fracking investigation in Dimock, PA was shut down despite evidence from EPA's water tests that Dimock's drinking water was polluted.

The EPA has also shut down fracking investigations in Wyoming and Texas. The early results of all three investigations showed that the EPA had evidence linking gas drilling and fracking operations to groundwater contamination; yet instead of protecting people in these areas, the EPA ignored its own scientific data and abandoned the investigations.

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It's time for the EPA to do its job and protect the drinking water of the American people from toxic fracking. Reopen the EPA investigations in Dimock, Pennsylvania, Pavillion, Wyoming and Weatherford, Texas and provide safe drinking water to the residents of those communities while these investigations commence.

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