Get Arsenic Out of Our Food

Consumer Reports latest investigation has found troubling levels of arsenic in many of the 200 rice products we tested, everything from brown rice to infant cereal - even some popular name-brand cereals.

Since the arsenic we found in these products could lead to increased cancer risks, it's time health officials hear your concerns - and get serious about dealing with arsenic in our food!

The FDA must set limits on arsenic in our food and drink, much like EPA does for our drinking water.

And contributors to arsenic contamination, such as pesticides, animal drugs and fertilizers, should be completely banned. Industry can do its part too, by growing rice that absorbs less arsenic, and using rice with the lowest arsenic levels in children's products.

If consumers don't speak out, government and industry won't be moved to deal with this health risk. Sign on now to get arsenic out of our food!
I am extremely concerned about Consumer Reports' new investigation that found significant levels of arsenic in the more than 200 rice products it tested, including the finding of troubling levels of inorganic arsenic that can increase cancer risk in humans.

I urge you to immediately take the following steps to reduce the health risks that arsenic in our food and drink can pose.

- The Food and Drug Administration should set limits on the amount of arsenic in rice and certain fruit juices -- both products that are found to contain relatively higher levels of arsenic. The EPA sets limits on arsenic in our drinking water, and FDA does for bottled water. It's time for the FDA to set similar standards for rice, rice products and certain fruit juices.

- The FDA should also ban the feeding of arsenic-containing drugs as well as animal byproducts such as chicken waste to our food animals in order to help reduce the amount of arsenic in fertilizer.

- The USDA and the EPA should end the use of arsenic-laden manure as fertilizer.

- The EPA should phase out the use of pesticides containing arsenic.

[Your comments here.]

I don't want my family eating food that contains harmful forms of arsenic. Please take these common-sense steps to reduce my, and my family's, exposure to this dangerous metal.


[Your name here]
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