Tell U.S. Congress: Invest In Her Rights and Equality

One in three countries are either making no progress at all towards gender equality or moving in the wrong direction.

When we prioritize women and girls, they experience tangible improvements in their lives – from increased opportunities and safety to having a greater say in decisions that affect them directly.

It's time the U.S. helps break down barriers holding women back and invest in women's futures globally, so that she leads the world. Tell your elected officials in the U.S. Congress to pass global funding for gender equality, women's leadership, and economic empowerment.
Globally, women and girls are facing historic challenges: the lingering impacts of COVID-19, food insecurity and hunger, disruptions to women's health care, high levels of gender-based violence, and more. United States leadership must meet the current moment and commit to advancing the rights of women and girls to prevent irreparable backsliding on gender equality and alleviating poverty.

That's why I support robust funding for U.S. foreign assistance programs to support gender equality, and I urge you to include at least $61.7 billion in the FY25 International Affairs Budget, which is on par with FY23 funding levels. This includes at least $400 million for women's economic empowerment through the Gender Equity and Equality Action (GEEA) Fund. Funding to address gender inequality and support women's economic empowerment can change the lives of women and girls and the communities they live in. Foreign assistance funding represents roughly one percent of the federal budget – just one cent of the federal budget dollar – yet it is critical to the U.S. being a reliable partner and leader in the world. 

CARE has witnessed the profound difference U.S. foreign assistance and funding makes, especially in the lives of women and girls. For example, over the past six decades, global maternal and child mortality rates have dropped sharply, literacy rates have increased, and economic opportunities have expanded. 

Supporting the GEEA Fund would ensure that USAID and the State Department have dedicated funding to implement women's economic empowerment activities. These programs contribute towards women's economic security in a holistic way, by prioritizing issue areas like the creation of well-paying jobs, supporting caregiving, and investing in women's digital and financial inclusion. This is critical since, at the current rate of progress, it will take 169 years to close the economic participation and opportunity
gender gap.

As women and girls face unprecedented challenges, now is not the time to turn our back on them. These low-cost programs change lives, address the root causes of inequality, and build stronger, healthier, more peaceful societies. These impacts are not just felt abroad, but here in the U.S. Investments in foreign assistance create a peaceful, more prosperous world.

I call on Congress to allocate robust funding in the FY25 International Affairs Budget, including for the GEEA Fund, and pass a budget that protects lives, builds a stronger global community, and reestablishes U.S. global leadership.
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