My name is Gillian Speke. Please help release MY GRANDDAUGHTER from CYGNET HOSPITALS by signing our petition.
She needs to be near to her Nan. 8 YEARS she has been incarcerated. Her physical & mental health have deteriorated, she has had no help from a Nearest Relative because this is being evaded. Her weight has doubled due to the long list of meds she is forced to take. She is confined to a secure Borderline Personality Disorder ward. She gets no fresh air or exercise, there is no structure, no organised activities except for Mindfulness & she has been denied access to education for the past 11 YEARS.
She has not had an assessment for a move to the community as promised in 2016.
She is DYING in there. She does not deserve to be punished; she has committed no crime. She is a vulnerable woman who needs help for Trauma (PTSD).
Actualizar #4hace 6 años
Hello supporters! Firstly, a huge thankyou to all for signing the petition. Gillian Speke says;
'My granddaughter has left Cygnet due to "placement has broken down." Her current whereabouts are unconfirmed, but we believe she is now in another notorious MH hospital. Concerns for her welfare are ongoing but I am grateful that the petition has successfully freed from the misery of her former incarceration and ineffective treatment.'
I confirm the success of the petition. It is now closed.
Actualizar #3hace 7 años
Hello all. My GD is really happy that people care about her but she is also feeling that she may be trapped in there interminably. To cheer her up, I suggested that friends and family send her greetings cards. I also sent a present from her Auntie. I was shocked and dismayed to hear that the unit are opening her cards and have refused to give them to her. This, along with the gift; not permitted. How can this be ok? Her human rights are being severely curtailed. Please keep signing & sharing 💔
Actualizar #2hace 7 años
Hello All. I'm overwhelmed by the support my Grandaughter is being shown. I'm so thankful to you all and I ask you to keep on sharing with your contacts. Please see below, the kind of upsetting feedback which we are seeing over and over again. U.K. Taxpayers are funding this as the NHS is paying in the region of £13k PER WEEk, PER PATIENT. Approximately 3,500 patients, many, trapped.
Actualizar #1hace 7 años
Hello, I want to thank you all for supporting my Grandaughter. Starting this petition has brought up so many other issues and discoveries about the widespread abuse, neglect and complete denial of basic human rights for people who are sectioned under the mental health act.
My Grandaughter now has a glimmer of hope, where before, she felt she had no hope - I'm so grateful for that.