Take Action to Stop Project 2025 Threats to Reproductive Rights, Global Health, and Climate Resilience

Project 2025 is a roadmap to gut reproductive freedom. In the US and around the globe. We are deeply concerned about Project 2025 and its potential to severely undermine decades of progress in global health, gender equality, and human rights. More than that, it would allow climate change to ravage vulnerable communities around the world, unchecked.

While Project 2025 covers a wide range of policy areas, its proposals to gut US funding for global health programs and the blueprints for restricting reproductive health and reproductive rights are extremely troubling. If enacted, these policies would drastically limit access to essential health care, roll back hard-won rights and protections, and jeopardize the well-being of millions of people, especially women and girls in low- and middle-income countries.

This isn't a game.

Women's lives are on the line.

Choice is on the line.

We need your help to fight back and ensure global funding for our work in climate resilience, reproductive health, and women's leadership stays in place.

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