Ban Fishing in US Territorial Waters for all Countries that Hunt Whales

Countries that hunt whales, are a continued threat to creatures which are already in danger of extinction. We as a civilized society must take a stand to protect these creatures from every country that would hunt them into extinction. Lets Act Now.


WE THE PEOPLE of These United States, inorder to protect our environment, and all creatures that we possibly can from extinction we Demand that our Government take a more active stand against countries that hunt whales. Therefore we want All Countries that Have not Banned Whaling, Banned from Fishing in US Territorial Waters. We Recommend their be several steps to punish violations of this policy. They are:

1) Interception of offending Vessels and escorting them from US Waters, with notification of further steps if further violations occur.

2) For a second Offense confiscation of the vessel and imprisonment of the vessels captain. Vessel to be released only after prohibitive fines are paid.

3) For a third violation the vessels should be evacuated and the vessel sunk, in prime fishing areas, to provide protection for fish in those areas.

4) fishing rights would only be restored after offending countries have permanently banned all whaling and destroyed all whaling vessels under control of that government or its citizens.

The undersigned.
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