Plastic Reduction Petition
- al: The Ditty Bops
- destinatario: Stephen Johnson, Head of the U.S. EPA, Environmental Protection Agency
Plastic is ubiquitous and non-biodegradable.
Plastic is made from nonrenewable petroleum and its production creates toxic chemicals and greenhouse gasses.
Plastic litter threatens water quality and wildlife, often being mistaken for food by marine animals.
We can personally reduce plastic bag use by bringing reusable bags to the store. As a nation, we can provide incentive for people to bring their own bags by implementing a plastic bag tax. In 2002, Ireland implemented such a tax and cut their country's plastic bag use by 90%.
Plastic bags are choking our waterways; killing sealife; releasing toxins into our soil, air and bodies; littering our beaches, parks and city streets. According to the EPA, over 380 billion plastic bags are consumed in the U.S. each year. By changing retailer and consumer habits, we can cut this number dramatically. In an effort to reduce plastic related pollution, I personally commit to bringing a reusable bag when I go shopping. Having taken this action, I call on you as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to create a plan to implement a national plastic bag tax in order to dramatically reduce the use of single-use plastic bags.
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