petion to Care2 for an Stop Global Warming site

Global Warming is changing the World, with More extreme weather Patterns, such as Hurricanes, floods, droughts etc, the Government of the World need to be told of the Consequence, if Global Warming is not stopped.
If Global Warming is Not Stopped, there is going to be a lot more lives lost, and More property Damage around the Globe, Poverty will increase as floods will wipe our crops, and Droughts will make it hard to grow food, also Weather Patterns will become more Extreme, such as we have seen with Hurricane Katrina, the Governments of all World Nations need to know we have to reduce green House Emissions, if we want to be able to stop Global Warming, we also need more Clean Green Energy Sources, such as Solar, wind, and Geo-thermal, for Transportation we Need Hydrogen, as the by-product of this clean Fuel is only Water Vapour, Carbon fuels will have to be used less, and more clean fuels to take over, including Electic Vehicles powered by Solar, If we don't stop Global Warming then we might become the next Endangered species.
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