These Pesticides Can Cause Everything from Brain Damage to Parkinson's But Their Makers Want to Keep Them on the Shelves.

  • al: Care2 Team
  • destinatario: National hazardous substances committee of Thailand, Government of Thailand
*UPDATE* As of June, 2020, Thailand has successfully banned the use of paraquat and chlorpyrifos, a huge win for human and evnvironmental health. But the U.S. has continued to succeed in blocking a total ban on glyphosate. Keep signing to tell the Government of Thailand not to bend to Trump's bullying and ban this harmful pesticide!

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over 84% of domestic fruits, 53% of vegetables, and 42% of grains sold to consumers carry pesticide residue. Pesticides like paraquat, chlorpyrifos, and glyphosate have been recognized by scientists around the world to cause serious health problems. From cancer to Parkinson's and brain damage, the compounds used in some of the world's most popular herbicides and insecticides have become infamous.

Perhaps that's why many countries have decided to, or plan to, ban these pesticides in an effort to protect their citizens from the serious health problems they pose. After a thorough review of the data that suggests that the three pesticides put both farmworkers and consumers at risk, Thailand's national hazardous substances committee voted to ban the products by December.

The only problem is, the makers of the pesticides - Monsanto ( glyphosate ), Syngenta (paraquat) and Dow Chemical (chlorpyrifos) - have used their deep pockets to get the Trump Administration to pressure the Thai government to abandon the upcoming pesticide ban.

Monsanto, Syngenta, and Dow Chemical are behemoth multinational corporations, their annual earnings dwarf that of many countries' GDPs. And they have used their coffers to fight bans of their products all over the world. Their efforts have often been successful. In fact, when the United States Environmental Protection Agency was on the brink of banning chlorpyrifos, Dow Chemical convinced the agency to ignore scientific recommendations and scratch the ban altogether.

Now they are putting their heft behind the US government, using American officials to convince Thailand that these pesticides aren't that bad and should still be sold - never mind the stacks of studies that say they are dangerous.

These compounds have been linked to human, animal and environmental tragedies and the best thing a responsible nation can do is to take them off the shelves! It's time Thailand do what's right for their people and stand up to the bullying corporations and the Trump administration that doesn't have their best interest at heart.

Think about the people of Thailand, their wildlife and their environment and show support for Thailand's upcoming ban. Sign the petition and tell Thailand not to cave to these ruthless companies. Tell them to ban these terrible pesticides.
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