Animals Displaced by Natural Disasters Need You Now!

Natural disasters, like hurricanes, fires, and floods, are increasing at an alarming pace, and when they strike, families are forced to abandon their homes and belongings, with little or no warning, until the danger passes. For pet owners, evacuating from a natural disaster is even more challenging. But you can make a difference.

Many families won't evacuate if they are not able to bring their pets with them. This puts people and their pets in danger, in addition to increasing the risk to first responders who may need to rescue families in harm's way.

The RedRover Responders program provides families with a temporary emergency shelter where they can bring their pets, ensuring the safety of the animals and providing overwhelmed pet owners with the peace of mind that their pets are being cared for when they are in danger of losing – or have already lost – everything they own.

As the danger of natural disasters grows, we need your support more than ever to ensure that pets and families have refuge from crisis. Sign our petition now and give displaced animals safety and comfort in their time of need.
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