Stop the Slaughter of the American Gray Wolf

Federal wildlife officials have put the American gray wolf squarely in their crosshairs by proposing to remove them from the Endangered Species List nationwide. Already, hundreds of wolves have been slaughtered in just the handful of states where hunting has been legalized, and if the feds follow through with this plan, it'll be a massacre.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service is accepting comments on their plan until September 11, 2013. Sign here and we'll deliver your comments to them for you. Let them know that wolves need protection, not slaughter.
I want to live in a world where wolves, and the wilderness they need to survive, can thrive. America's ranchers and farmers can co-exist with the gray wolf, but our government has decided it's easier to kill these majestic animals. As the new Secretary of the Interior, you have the power to stop this slaughter. Stand with me and end the killing.

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