Release Ayman Mohyeldin NOW

The Egyptian Army and government has arrested several journalists and protestors since the anti-Mubarak demonstrations began on 25 January 2011. Some have been released while others are still in dentention. The latest journalist that has been arrested is US citizen and Al Jazeera Journalist Ayman Mohyeldin, who is well known for his coverage of the Gaza tragedy and more recently the rise of the Egyptian pro-democracy movement. Journalists like Ayman constantly put themselves in harms way  to bring the story of the struggle of ordinary people to the world. It is outrageous that the Egyptian army and government continue to target journalists doing their job, despite calls by the US and World governments to refrain from doing so. We the citizens of the world demand the immediate release of Ayman Mohyeldin and all other journalists, citizens and political prisoners being held in detention in Egypt.
We the undersigned call on the governments of the world to demand the immediate release of detained Al Jazeera journalist Ayman Mohyeldin and all other journalists and political prisoners currently detained by the Egyptian government and army.

The Egyptian Army and government has arrested several journalists and protestors since the anti-Mubarak demonstrations began on 25 January 2011. Some have been released while others are still in dentention. The latest journalist that has been arrested is US citizen and Al Jazeera Journalist Ayman Mohyeldin, who is well known for his coverage of the Gaza tragedy and more recently the rise of the Egyptian pro-democracy movement. Journalists like Ayman constantly put themselves in harms way  to bring the story of the struggle of ordinary people to the world. It is outrageous that the Egyptian army and government continue to target journalists doing their job, despite calls by the US and World governments to refrain from doing so. We the citizens of the world demand the immediate release of Ayman Mohyeldin and all other journalists, citizens and political prisoners being held in detention in Egypt.
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