Laurel Canyon Dog Park

Several homeowners in the neighborhood surrounding Laurel Canyon Dog Park, want to take a large portion of the park and turn it into a playground for their children.
(for proposed plan, go to

Dear Laurel Canyon Association:

On behalf of all dogs in this community, I oppose taking away any portion of our Laurel Canyon dog park. 

While I understand that this isn't a dog hater versus dog lover issue, there are 248 parks in Los Angeles and only 12 dog parks (which most of the dog parks have places for kids to play - coupled with the fact that in the 5 years I, personally, have been going to the Laurel Canyon dog park, I've seen kids play there maybe twice).  This much appreciated piece of land for our dogs is rare in Los Angeles and to have it threatened by your proposal is devistating. 

As stated in your proposal, you mentioned that when the dog park was approved there were less kids and now there are hundreds.  What about the hundreds and thousands of dogs that need a place to run, play ball and have time to bond with their owners?  Would you consider turning a children's park into a dog park if the situation were reversed? 

Out of the 12 dog parks in all of Los Angeles, several of them are for small and timid dogs, are very small, no ample parking and are not convenient to get to.

On behalf of all dogs, I oppose turning half of Laurel Canyon Dog Park into a place for kids only.

Thank you.

Michelle Manire

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